Thursday, October 7, 2010

Recycling for the ARTS!

One of my new artistic (and environmentally conscious) pursuits is to develop and share ideas for using recycled items to create art. I am exploring options, saving bottle caps, and designing activities to implement with teachers and students. 

Due to limited resources, modeling the use of recycled items might even be a good way to begin the "Studio Days" idea with faculty, staff, and students in the College.

Please add any cool ideas you have and join us at The Green Art Classroom: A network of environmentally responsible art educators.

The Imagination Factory
Creative ways to recycle by making art.
The lessons and activities include drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, papier-mache, marbling, and crafts.
Non-Trashy Recycled and Trash Art
The artists featured here exclusively use recycled and/or trash to make pieces of contemporary art. These artists practice the art of “upcycling”, or literally turning everyday trash into creative treasures.

Check back for photos of and reflections on teacher-created art from recycled materials!

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