Wednesday, August 4, 2010

DI POD #2 "Light House Bakery"

I was so disappointed that I had to drive back to Mobile yesterday for a meeting. But I am now back on the Island and sitting at the Lighthouse Bakery (another free WiFi spot) enjoying a cafe au lait and banana bread muffin.

Here at the Bakery they are preparing over 150 lunches for the National Guard working on the Island. At least that is good for THIS business!

My run along the coast this morning was exciting; I saw two amazing water spouts on the Gulf. Now I want to figure out how to run with my camera. The intense heat has caused some stormy weather and spectacular lightening.

The girls are ready to head back to the house so I will wrap this up and post my "Dauphin Island Weeds" and "Island Signs" this afternoon...stay tuned.

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